VIDEÓTÁR | Tudósítások
| 2012-03-26
Parts of New Zealand have run out of Marmite and prices are soaring following a nationwide shortage of the spread. ...
| 2012-03-22
Szakmai gyakorlatokat szervez, támogatja az új munkahelyek létrehozását, valamint a fogyatékkal élők és a roma nemzetiségűek alkalmazását a Nemzeti Fo...
| 2012-03-02
Scania Driver Competitions celebrates skilled truck drivers who drive carefully in tough situations. ...
| 2012-02-17
A másodszorra megrendezett GfK Napon az előadók a digitális térben kialakuló új fogyasztási modelleket, fogyasztói viselkedést járták körül és kitérte...
| 2012-02-14
A crystal-encrusted, million-pound MINI Cooper has been airlifted out of the Trocadero in London, to make way for a knitted Ferrari. ...
| 2012-02-10
Melbourne bus tycoon Ken Grenda sells his business, and hands out $15 million to his staff to say thanks!...
| 2012-02-02
There is little sign of crisis or recession at the Doha Motor Show which has opened in Qatar. ...
| 2012-01-26
British artist David Hockney swaps the oil paint for an iPad in a new exhibition of his landscape drawings at the Royal Academy in London....
| 2012-01-25
Airbus outsold its rival Boeing almost two-to-one in 2011 and delivered more aircraft than the US planemaker for the ninth year running....