SAJTÓKÖZLEMÉNYEK | | Donation line in March and April: so that every child can be raised in a fa...
Magyar Telekom: Donation line in March and April: so that every child can be raised in a family
Országos | 2013-03-06 13:50 | Magyar Telekom
In March and April, 2013 people calling the donation line of Telekom hello holnap! support the SOS Children's Village Hungary Foundation, that assists orphan children or those having to miss their families. Childhood determines the whole life of a person. In today's Hungary every second child suffers in need in some aspect, many live without parental care. The family community is inevitable for them to become well-balanced, happy adults. SOS Children's Villages were established to provide a loving home to children who for some reason can not live with their parents, in their own families. The official foster parent network operated by the foundation cares for almost 400 children, so that they grow up in safety and respect, becoming well-balanced and happy adults. The foundation offers regular training to foster parents, while institutions also employ further experts as need arises, including language teachers, speech therapists, developing educators, psychiatrists and facilitators. "Overcome your past, develop happily and healthily!" - goes the foundation's motto. The program includes three elements, targeting the development of children: physical and psychological therapies, skill development and further training of foster mothers. Due to the complex approach, the therapy helps children suffering from traumas to overcome their disadvantages and start life with equal chances. Callers of Telekom's donation line support this program in March and April. The hello holnap! donation line is available at number 13688. The number can be called from both Magyar Telekom's fixed and mobile networks. The charge for a call or sending an SMS text message is equally HUF 100, being free of VAT and will be fully transferred to the beneficiary organisation (with the exception of calls made from Domino prepaid cards, where 27 VAT is deducted). The charges of calls initiated on the donation line or in donation booths between March 1 and April 30, 2013 is the donation of callers and fully funds the work of the Hungarian foundation of SOS Children's Village.
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